Melina Strachan
Hi, my name is Melina. am a certified Naturopath, Nutritionist, Massage Therapist, Student Yoga Teacher and Mother to 3 little go-getter kidlets (+ 2 gorgeous step kids). I'm a member of ANTA Australian Natural Therapists Association
In short I'm obsessed with food....feeding my family well and the concept of kitchen medicine - good health starts with what goes in your mouth.
It has been such a journey to learn how to cook real, whole, nourishing food - there is such a lot of information out there, I've been studying and researching for years and would love to share what I have learned and unlearned along the way, helping you to attain your health goals.
Also I've recently begun my teacher training in yoga....I'm sure I won't be able to resist sharing some of the pearls I come across during this foray as well.